Tuesday 28 February 2023

National Science Day 2023

National Science Day 2023: Global Science for Global Wellbeing

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, also known as CV Raman, was an Indian physicist born on November 7, 1888, in the city of Tiruchirapalli in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Raman made significant contributions to the field of physics, particularly in the area of light scattering. His most notable discovery, the Raman Effect, was a phenomenon in which light changes its wavelength when it passes through a medium, providing evidence for the quantum nature of light.

Sir CV Raman received various honours and medals for his work, including the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930, making him the first Asian to do so in any branch of science at  Bangalore also held the position of director of the Indian Institute of Science, where he carried out research until his passing in 1970.

In 1986, the Indian government declared February 28th National Science Day to recognise CV Raman's scientific contributions. This date commemorates the anniversary of Raman's discovery of the Raman Effect on February 28, 1928. In India, National Science Day is observed with a variety of events and activities designed to foster a scientific mindset and curiosity among the general public, particularly young pupils.

The theme for National Science Day changes every year, focusing on different aspects of science and technology. The day is celebrated by educational institutions, scientific organizations, and government agencies with various programs, such as lectures, seminars, science exhibitions, and quiz competitions. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the contributions of scientists like CV Raman and to inspire the next generation of scientists in India.

National Science Day 2023's theme is “Global Science for Global Wellbeing.” This theme is significantly relevant in light of India's current position as a member of the G20. The main objective is to emphasise research's essential role in fostering global health, ecological stability, and economic development. The main goal is to draw attention to how science can address global issues, including pandemics, food shortages, and climate change while promoting worldwide cooperation in scientific research and innovation.


C.V. Raman Biography: Early Life, Career, Awards and Achievements (n.d.). CV Raman. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/d65a7400-ce70-476c-a7a1-cd6f7a422e94/downloads/Biography%20of%20C%20V%20Raman.pdf?ver=1601098687671

National Science Day 2023: Global Science for Global Wellbeing.  (2023, February 28) .https://newsonair.com/2023/02/28/national-science-day-2023-global-science-for-global-wellbeing/#:~:text=The%20theme%20of%20National%20Science,light%20of%20India's%20G20%20presidency

CV Raman's Nobel Prize: NobelPrize.org. (n.d.). Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman - Nobel Prize in Physics. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1930/raman/biographical/

National Science Day of India: National Council of Science Museums. (n.d.). National Science Day. https://www.ncsm.gov.in/?q=National-Science-Day

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